Conquistas: mudanças entre as edições

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Edição das 23h29min de 28 de setembro de 2011

Página em construção.

Lista de Conquistas

Nome Requerimentos Pontos


Nível 10 Atingir o nível 10. 10
Nível 20 Atingir o nível 20. 10
Nível 30 Atingir o nível 30. 10
Nível 40 Atingir o nível 40. 10
Nível 50 Atingir o nível 50. 10
Nível 60 Atingir o nível 60. 10
Nível 70 Atingir o nível 70. 10
Nível 80 Atingir o nível 80. 10
Nível 90 Atingir o nível 90. 10
Nível 99 - Oldschool Atingir o nível 99. 20
Nível 100 - Unknown Soil Atingir o nível 100. 10
Nível 110 Atingir o nível 110. 10
Nível 120 - Finally! Atingir o nível 120. 20
Klutz Complete 50 actions in the game 10
Fidgety Phillip Complete 750 actions in the game 50
Jack of all trades Complete 2500 actions in the game 100
Ready for bed Dormir um total de 24 horas 10
Overslept Dormir um total de 25 dias 50
Slumber junkie Dormir um total de 100 dias 100
Casual customer Sleep in the hotel once 10
Regular Dormir no hotel 75 vezes 50
Long-term tenant Sleep in the hotel 75 times 100
Sleepyhead Queue two overnight stays in the hotel 30
Sleepwalker Queue three overnight stays in the hotel 60
Tourist Dormir por 80 horas no hotel estrangeiro 10
Backpacker Dormir por 400 horas no hotel estrangeiro 30
Globetrotter Dormir por 800 horas no hotel estrangeiro 60
Psst, look here... Vender 1 ou mais itens ao caixeiro viajante 10
That fell off the back of a truck Vender item 75 vezes ao caixeiro viajante 50
Smuggler King Vender item 250 vezes ao caixeiro viajante 100
Occasional customer Comprar 1 item do caixeiro viajante 10
Bargain hunter Comprar 10 itens do caixeiro viajante 50
Bulk buyer Comprar 50 itens do caixeiro viajante 100
A Handful of Dollars Obter $100 vendendo itens ao caixeiro viajante 10
Dealer Obter $10000 vendendo itens ao caixeiro viajante 50
King of rummage Obter $1000000 vendendo itens ao caixeiro viajante 100
No Victories without sacrifices Ser desmaiado 50 vezes 10
I'm used to this Ser desmaiado 250 vezes 30
Master of the underworld Ser desmaiado 500 vezes 60
The first step... Achieve a level-up 0
Raise the flag! Conseguir uma bandeira da união 0


Viajante Viajar mil milhas 10
Vagabundo Viajar vinte e cinco mil milhas 75
Viajante do mundo Viajar cem mil milhas 150
Andar Andar mil milhas 10
Maratona Andar duas mil e quinhentas milhas 30
"E eu ando 500 milhas..." Andar cinco mil milhas 60
Lento mas seguro Andar mil milhas num burro 10
Condutor de burro Andar cinco mil milhas num burro 30
Condutor de burros por campos e vales Andar dez mil milhas num burro 60
Rei das cenouras Andar vinte e cinco mil milhas num burro 90
Estudante de equitação Percorrer uma distância total de mil milhas 10
Cavaleiro experiente Percorrer uma distância total de vinte e cinco mil milhas 30
Cavaleiro de longas distâncias Percorrer uma distância total de cem mil milhas 60
Yeehaw! Andar mil milhas em um cavalo americano 10
Do leste ao oeste, aff! Andar vinte e cinco mil milhas em um cavalo americano 30
Como o vento Andar cinquenta mil milhas em um cavalo americano 60
Quatro quartos formam um todo Andar cem mil milhas em um cavalo americano 90


My first dollar in the bank Make ten bank deposits. 10
Little by little Make five hundred bank deposits. 50
I need an account number Make five thousand bank deposits. 100
The first grand Have $1,000 in the bank 10
Dishwasher Have $25,000 in the bank 75
My piggy bank is bursting Have $100,000 in the bank 100
Half way there Have $500,000 in the bank 150
From dishwasher to millionaire Have $1,000,000 in the bank 250
The first deposit Deposit $1,000 into the bank 10
Safe until the next robbery Deposit $100,000 into the bank 30
As certain as death Deposit $1,000,000 into the bank 60


Aventureiro Completar 10 aventuras 25
Aventureiro veterano Completar 50 aventuras 50
Seguidor da história Completar 100 aventuras 100
Eu vivo apenas para aventuras Completar 200 aventuras 200

Detalhes da aventura

Manada de gado Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘A manada de gado’. 25
Joe Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Joe’. 25
Caça ao homem Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Caça ao homem’. 25
Coração de fogo Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Coração de fogo’. 25
Pedras preciosas Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Pedras preciosas’. 25
Bob Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Bob’. 25
A caça Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘A caça’. 25
O clã Dalton Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘O clã Dalton’. 25
As roupas fazem o homem Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘As roupas fazem o homem’. 25
Especial do Henry Walker Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Especial do Henry Walker’. 25
Cavalos selvagens Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Cavalos selvagens’. 25
Avô do Waupee Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Avô do Waupee’. 25
Caça ao tesouro Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Caça ao tesouro’. 25
Luta com o Erik Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Luta com o Erik’. 25
Dia de aniversário do Henry Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Dia de aniversário do Henry’. 25
Pony-Express Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Correio a cavalo’. 100
Táticas de duelo Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Táticas de duelo’. 25
Coisas pequenas Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Coisas pequenas’. 25
Otimização dos lucros Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras 'Otimização dos lucros’. 25
Bem organizado Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Bem organizado’. 25
Anel de casamento da Catarina Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘O anel de casamento da Catarina’. 25
O Jhon sai de casa Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘O Jhon sai de casa’. 25
Ladrão de arte Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Ladrão de arte’. 25
Abril Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Abril’. 25
Como os festivais são arruinados Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Como os festivais são arruinados’. 25
Anjo do amor Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Anjo do amor’. 25
Fuga da prisão Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Fuga da prisão’. 25
A grande viagem Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘A grande viagem’. 25
Meios de comunicação Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Meios de comunicação’. 25
A manchete de amanhã Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘A manchete de amanhã’. 25
A cidade fantasma Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘A cidade fantasma’. 25
O vencido Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘O vencido’. 25
Lavando roupa suja Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Lavando roupa suja’. 25
Tem cheiro de tesouro Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Cheira como tesouro’. 25
Indo para uma nova aventura Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Indo para uma nova aventura’. 50
O circo itinerante Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘O circo itinerante’. 25
O circo itinerante Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘O circo itinerante’. 25
Espíritos dos animais Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Espíritos de animais’. 25
Amigo dos índios Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘As outras tribos’. 0


Ação de Graças Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Ação de graças’. 50
Natal Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Natal’. 50
Páscoa Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Páscoa’. 50
Dia da Independência Completou com sucesso a série de aventuras ‘Dia da independência’. 50
Olá, está realmente no clima do Natal! Completou a aventura de natal de 2009 0
Feliz Páscoa Completou a aventura de páscoa de 2010 0
Feliz Dia da Independência Completou a aventura do dia da independência de 2010 0
Feliz Ação de Graças! Completou a aventura de ação de graças 2009-2010 0

Aventuras Repetíveis

I know you but Complete 2 daily quests 10
My daily bread Complete 10 daily quests 30
Reunion Complete 50 daily quests 60
I'll hang in the loop Complete 100 daily quests 90


Sacrificed for a greater cause Use five items for quests 10
What do they want with all that stuff? Use twenty five items for quests 25
Have you seen the pile of rubbish behind the saloon? Use one hundred items for quests 50
I came, I saw, I took
  • Encontrar 5 itens em um trabalho
  • Encontrar 500 itens
  • Comprar 25 itens
  • Vender 1000 itens
  • Receber $500,000 vendendo itens
  • Conseguir 25 itens de caixas
Riding animals Collect all riding animals. 0
Master of the Headgear
  • Collect all headbands.
  • Collect all caps.
  • Collect all woolly hats.
  • Collect all slouch hats.
  • Collect all bowler hats.
  • Collect all felt hats.
  • Collect all top hats.
  • Colect all leather hats.
  • Collect all Stetsons.
Master of the Neckbands
  • Collect all bandanas.
  • Collect all Indian necklaces.
  • Collect all bows.
  • Collect all bow ties.
  • Collect all crosses.
  • Collect all ties.
  • Collect all bullets.
  • Collect all shawls.
  • Collect all buffaloes.
Master of the Left Hand
  • Collect all bows.
  • Collect all crossbows.
  • Collect all harquebuses.
  • Collect all rifles.
  • Collect all muskets.
  • Collect all coach guns.
  • Collect all pepper guns.
  • Collect all percussion rifles.
  • Collect all breech-loaders.
  • Collect all Winchesters.
Master of the Right Hand
  • Collect all broken bottles.
  • Collect all clubs.
  • Collect all razor blades.
  • Collect all daggers.
  • Collect all bowie knifes.
  • Collect all shotguns.
  • Collect all machetes.
  • Collect all conquistador swords
  • Collect all tomahawks.
  • Collect all lumberjack axes
  • Collect all cavalry sabres.
  • Collect all stones.
  • Collect all slingshots.
  • Collect all shotguns.
  • Collect all muzzle-loaders.
  • Collect all deringers.
  • Collect all pepperbox revolvers.
  • Collect all revolver no 1s.
  • Collect all army revolvers.
  • Collect all peacemakers.
  • Collect all Schofields.
  • Collect all colt buntlines.
Master of the Clothing
  • Collect all rags.
  • Collect all ponchos.
  • Collect all clothing.
  • Collect all shirts.
  • Collect all checkered shirts.
  • Collect all waistcoats.
  • Collect all cotton jackets.
  • Collect all jackets.
  • Collect all leather jackets.
  • Collect all coats.
Master of the Shoes
  • Collect all ragged shoes.
  • Collect all cotton shoes.
  • Collect all work shoes.
  • Collect all spiked shoes.
  • Collect all boots.
  • Collect all riding boots.
Master of the Belts
  • Collect all wool belts.
  • Collect all plaid belts.
  • Collect all fancy belts.
  • Collect all buckled belts.
  • Collect all buffalo belts.
  • Collect all studded belts.
  • Collect all horse belts.
  • Collect all eagle belts.
  • Collect all cartridge belts.
  • Collect all skull belts.
  • Collect all pistol belts.
Master of the Pants
  • Collect all torn pants.
  • Collect all shorts.
  • Collect all plain pants.
  • Collect all knickerbockers.
  • Collect all plaid pants.
  • Collect all fur pants.
  • Collect all overalls.
  • Collect all linen pants.
  • Collect all knee-breeches.
  • Collect all Indian pants.
  • Collect all leg guards.
  • Collect all army pants.
  • Collect all jeans.
  • Collect all leather pants.
  • Collect all soft leg guards.


Headband Collect all headbands. 0
Cap Collect all caps. 0
Woolly Hat Collect all woolly hats. 0
Slouch hat Collect all slouch hats. 0
Bowler hat Collect all bowler hats. 0
Felt hat Collect all felt hats. 0
Top hat Collect all top hats. 0
Leather hat Collect all leather hats. 0
Stetson Collect all Stetsons. 0
Bandana Collect all bandanas. 0
Indian necklace Collect all Indian necklaces. 0
Bow Collect all bows. 0
Bow tie Collect all bow ties. 0
Cross Collect all crosses. 0
Tie Collect all ties. 0
Bullet Collect all bullets. 0
Shawl Collect all shawls. 0
Buffalo Collect all buffalo. 0
Bow Collect all bows. 0
Crossbow Collect all crossbows. 0
Harquebus Collect all harquebuses. 0
Rifle Collect all rifles. 0
Musket Collect all muskets. 0
Coach gun Collect all coach guns. 0
Pepper gun Collect all pepper guns. 0
Percussion rifle Collect all percussion rifles. 0
Breech-loader Collect all breech-loaders. 0
Winchester Collect all Winchesters. 0
Rags Collect all rags. 0
Poncho Collect all ponchos. 0
Clothing Collect all clothing. 0
Shirt Collect all shirts. 0
Checkered shirt Collect all checkered shirts. 0
Waistcoat Collect all waistcoats. 0
Cotton jacket Collect all cotton jackets. 0
Jacket Collect all jackets. 0
Leather jacket Collect all leather jackets. 0
Coat Collect all coats. 0
Bottles Collect all broken bottles. 0
Club Collect all clubs. 0
Razor Collect all razor blades. 0
Push dagger Collect all daggers. 0
Bowie knife Collect all bowie knifes. 0
Foil Collect all shotguns. 0
Machete Collect all machetes. 0
Conquistador sword Collect all conquistador swords 0
Tomahawk Collect all tomahawks. 0
Lumberjack axe Collect all lumberjack axes 0
Cavalry sabre Collect all cavalry sabres. 0
Stone Collect all stones. 0
Slingshot Collect all slingshots. 0
Shotgun Collect all shotguns. 0
Muzzle-loader Collect all muzzle-loaders. 0
Deringer Collect all deringers. 0
Pepperbox revolver Collect all pepperbox revolvers. 0
Revolver No 1 Collect all revolver no 1s. 0
Army revolver Collect all army revolvers. 0
Peacemaker Collect all peacemakers. 0
Schofield Collect all Schofields. 0
Colt Buntline Collect all colt buntlines. 0
Ragged shoes Collect all ragged shoes. 0
Cotton shoes Collect all cotton shoes. 0
Work shoes Collect all work shoes. 0
Spiked shoes Collect all spiked shoes. 0
Boots Collect all boots. 0
Riding boots Collect all riding boots. 0
Wool belt Collect all wool belts. 0
Plaid belt Collect all plaid belts. 0
Fine belt Collect all fancy belts. 0
Buckled belt Collect all buckled belts. 0
Buffalo belt Collect all buffalo belts. 0
Studded belt Collect all studded belts. 0
Horse belt Collect all horse belts. 0
Eagle belt Collect all eagle belts. 0
Cartridge belt Collect all cartridge belts. 0
Skull belt Collect all skull belts. 0
Pistol belt Collect all pistol belts. 0
Torn pants Collect all torn pants. 0
Shorts Collect all shorts. 0
Plain pants Collect all plain pants. 0
Knickerbockers Collect all knickerbockers. 0
Plaid pants Collect all plaid pants. 0
Fur pants Collect all fur pants. 0
Overalls Collect all overalls. 0
Linen pants Collect all linen pants. 0
Knee-breeches Collect all knee-breeches. 0
Indian pants Collect all Indian pants. 0
Leg guards Collect all leg guards. 0
Army pants Collect all army pants. 0
Jeans Collect all jeans. 0
Leather pants Collect all leather pants. 0
Soft leg guards Collect all soft leg guards. 0


I feel so good Use five buffs 10
I feel better! Use fifty buffs 25
I feel even better! Use two hundred and fifty buffs 50
Medicine is not supposed to taste good Use one usable item 10
Will I start glowing in the dark after another sip? Use fifty usable items 25
I can fly! Use five hundred usable items 50


Collector Find five items 25
Hoarder Find twenty five items 50
Disposophobic Find five hundred items 100
Occasional customer Buy two items 10
King of discount Buy five items 25
Shopaholic Buy twenty five items 50
Huckster Sell five items 50
Used goods salesman Sell fifty items 100
Sales manager Sell one thousand items 150
The first money made Earn $1,000 by selling items 25
Raking it in Earn $50,000 from selling items 50
Bonus junkie Earn $500,000 from selling items 75
What might be behind door #1? Get one item from a chest 10
Every raffle ticket wins... Get five items from chests 25
Raider of the lost treasure Get twenty five items from chests 50
Hands full Find two items in one job 10
Not enough hands Find three items in one job 75
I need a packhorse Find five items in one job 150


Helper Work for 100 hours 10
Workaholic Work for 1000 hours 75
Workaholic Work for 100 days 150
Day labourer Earn $1000 while doing jobs 10
Regular income Earn $100000 while doing jobs 75
Big Money Earn $500000 while doing jobs 150
Trainee Gain 1000 XP while doing jobs 10
Foreman Gain 20000 XP while doing jobs 75
Entrepreneur Gain 150000 XP while doing jobs 150
Rookie Complete one job 10
Career changer Complete twenty five jobs 25
Experienced worker Complete one hundred jobs 50
Job hopper Complete five hundred jobs 100
All-rounder Complete one thousand jobs 150
A rare find Find one item while doing jobs 10
A not-so-rare find Find ten items while doing jobs 25
Do I always find something? Find one hundred items while doing jobs 50
Material supplier Find ten products while doing jobs 10
Producer Find five hundred products while doing jobs 25
Resources miracle Find 2500 products while doing jobs 75
King of resources Find 10000 products while doing jobs 150


Crafting novice Craft 10 products 10
Experienced Craftsman Craft 250 products 75
Master Craftsman Craft 1000 products 150
Activity Craft ten products with a grey difficulty 10
More work Craft one hundred products with a grey difficulty 30
A lot more work Craft two hundred and fifty products with a grey difficulty 100
Day labourer Craft ten products with a green difficulty 10
Contractor Craft one hundred products with a green difficulty 30
Mass manufacturer Craft two hundred and fifty products with a green difficulty 60
Specialist Craft ten products with a yellow difficulty 10
Specialist Craft one hundred products with a yellow difficulty 30
Expert Craft two hundred and fifty products with a yellow difficulty 60
Apprentice Learn one recipe 10
Journeyman Learn ten recipes 50
Master Learn twenty four recipes 100
You have to break an egg to make an omelette Use 10 products for crafting 10
Scavenger Use 100 products for crafting 25
Recycler Use 1000 products for crafting 50
Quality grade C Achieve one extraordinary crafting success 10
Quality grade B Achieve ten extraordinary crafting successes 50
Quality grade A Achieve fifty extraordinary crafting successes 100
If you build it, he will come
  • Use 1000 products for crafting
  • Learn twenty four recipes
  • Achieve fifty extraordinary crafting successes
  • Craft two hundred and fifty products with a yellow difficulty
  • Craft two hundred and fifty products with a green difficulty
  • Craft two hundred and fifty products with a grey difficulty
  • Craft 1000 products

Jogador contra Jogador

Lackey Collect one bounty 10
Legionnaire Collect ten bounties 50
Mercenary Collect twenty five bounties 150
Suspicious money Collect $100 from bounties 10
Sticky money Collect $5,000 from bounties 30
Dirty money Collect $25,000 from bounties 60
Dirty money Collect $75,000 from bounties 90
Blood money Collect $250,000 from bounties 150
Mopping up the Competition Issue one bounty 10
Too many wrong friends Issue ten bounties 50
Enemies everywhere Issue twenty five bounties 100
See you in the afterlife Issue one bounty, wanted dead 10
Keep your friends close but your enemies closer Issue five bounties, wanted dead 50
Death Dealer Issue ten bounties, wanted dead 100
The legendary gunslinger
  • Win one hundred and fifty duel by knocking out your opponent
  • Win five hundred duels
  • Collect $75,000 from bounties
  • Win two hundred and fifty fort battles
  • Knock out seventy five players in fort battles


Street fighter Win one duel by knocking out your opponent 10
Killer Win fifty duels by knocking out your opponent 50
Angel of death Win one hundred and fifty duel by knocking out your opponent 150
Combative Initiate one duel 10
Rowdy Initiate 10 duels 50
Veteran Initiate two hundred and fifty duels 75
Dueller Initiate five hundred duels 100
Master dueller Initiate one thousand duels 150
Who's there? Be challenged to a duel ten times 10
Do I have a target on my back? Be challenged to a duel fifty times 50
You want a piece of me? Be challenged to a duel two hundred and fifty times 100
Rowdy Win five duels 10
Ruffian Win one hundred duels 50
Stabber Win two hundred and fifty duels 75
Gunslinger Win five hundred duels 150
Warrior Complete fifty duels 50
Soldier Complete five hundred duels 75
Barbarian Complete one and a half thousand duels 150

Batalhas de Forte

Fort fighter Participate in a fort battle 10
Veteran fort fighter Participate in twenty five fort battles 75
Cavalryman Participate in one hundred fort battles 150
Fort battle guru Participate in two hundred and fifty fort battles 250
Fort battle winner Win one fort battle 10
Battle experience Win ten fort battles 30
Veteran fort battle winner Win twenty five fort battles 60
War hero Win fifty fort battles 90
Elite fort battle winner Win two hundred and fifty fort battles 150
Wimp Get knocked out once during a fort battle 10
Jinx Get knocked out five times during fort battles 30
Problem child Get knocked out twenty five times during fort battles 60
Lucky Punch Knock out one player in a fort battle 10
Sandman Knock out twenty five players in fort battles 50
Knockout Champion Knock out seventy five players in fort battles 100
The Enforcer Do a total of 10,000 damage in fort battles 10
Mr. Pain Do a total of 75,000 damage in fort battles 50
A feast for crows Do a total of 500,000 damage in fort battles 100
Bullseye Make ten hits in fort battles 10
Marksman Make one hundred hits in fort battles 50
Sharpshooter Make one thousand hits in fort battles 100
Soldier of fortune Survive one fort battle 10
Survivalist Survive ten fort battles 50
Bulletproof Survive fifty fort battles 100
Hot Shot Earn 1000 experience points in fort battles 10
Big game hunter Earn 10000 experience points in fort battles 50
Big Player Earn 50000 experience points in fort battles 100
Nimble legs Dodge ten shots in fort battles 10
The cat Dodge a hundred shots in fort battles 50
Bullet proof Dodge 1000 shots in fort battles 100
Hot Shot Deal 1000 damage in one fort battle 10
Big game hunter Deal 2500 damage in one fort battle 75
Big Player Deal 5000 damage in one fort battle 150
The first notch Knock out one enemy in a fort battle 10
Three more notches Knock out three enemies in a fort battle 75
Too many notches to count Knock out five enemies in a fort battle 150

Player versus environment

NPC butcher
  • Win one hundred NPC duels
  • Earn $2,000 from NPC duels
  • Win twenty NPC duels by knocking out your opponent
  • Earn five thousand experience points from NPC duels
  • Reach the NPC duelling difficulty of twenty

Duelos contra NPC

Conqueror Win ten NPC duels 10
Triumphant Win fifty NPC duels 75
Master of all classes Win one hundred NPC duels 150
Prize fighter Earn $50 from NPC duels 10
Professional Dueller Earn $500 from NPC duels 50
Rich and famous Earn $2,000 from NPC duels 100
Left hand of the devil Win one NPC duel by knocking out your opponent 10
Right hand of the devil Win ten NPC duels by knocking out your opponent 30
The Devil's Claws Win twenty NPC duels by knocking out your opponent 60
Graduate Dueller Earn fifty experience points from NPC duels 10
You live and learn Earn five hundred experience points from NPC duels 30
Doc Earn five thousand experience points from NPC duels 60
Contestant Reach the NPC duelling difficulty of two 10
Gladiator Reach the NPC duelling difficulty of five 30
Champion Reach the NPC duelling difficulty of twenty 60


Master of construction
  • Obtain 30000 construction points
  • Complete twenty five building levels
I fought the economy crisis and I won
  • Vender 150 itens no mercado
  • Ganhar $250,000 através de vendas no mercado
  • Vender 100 itens no mercado global
  • Vender 50 itens no mercado da aliança
  • Vender 20 itens no mercado da cidade
  • Gastar $250,000 no mercado
  • Comprar 100 itens no mercado global
  • Comprar 50 itens no mercado da aliança
  • Comprar 20 itens no mercado da cidade
  • Comprar 250 itens no mercado


Construction worker Obter 200 pontos de construção 10
Architect Obter 3000 pontos de construção 30
Constructor Obter 30000 pontos de construção 60
Builder Completar 1 nível de construção 10
Carpenter Completar 5 níveis de construção 50
Master Builder Completar 10 níveis de construção 100
Phew, the last nail Completar 25 níveis de construção 150
Construction fool Cause a construciton failure 10


The first auction Sell one item at the market 10
Veteran trader Sell twenty five items at the market 75
Auctioneer Sell one hundred and fifty items at the market 150
Almost not worth the effort Earn $1,000 from sales at the market 10
I'll get good money for this Earn $25,000 from sales at the market 75
I'll strike it rich with this Earn $250,000 through sales at the market 150
Bon Voyage... Sell one item on the world market 10
Exotic goods Sell 20 items on the world market 30
Trade emporium Sell 100 items on the world market 60
Trader of the alliance Sell one item on the alliance market 10
Supplier of the alliance Sell 10 items on the alliance market 30
Quartermaster of the Alliance Sell fifty items on the alliance market 60
Town herald Sell one item on the town market 10
Town huckster Sell 10 items on the town market 30
Local hero Sell 20 items on the town market 60
Do you accept my card? Spend $1,000 at the market 10
Do you take my golden card? Spend $25,000 at the market 30
World economic miracle Spend $250,000 at the market 60
First glimpse of the world market Buy one item from the world market 10
Tycoon Buy ten items from the world market 30
Global Player Buy one hundred items from the world market 60
Supporter of the alliance Buy one item from the alliance market 10
Customer of the alliance Buy ten items from the alliance market 30
Best customer of the alliance Buy fifty items from the alliance market 60
Local customer Buy one item from the town market 10
Local major customer Buy ten items from the town market 30
Well-known major customer Buy twenty items from the town market 60
Market newcomer Buy five items at the market 10
Market expert Buy fifty items at the market 50
Economic expert Buy two hundred and fifty items at the market 100